This is one of our favorite projects in our house. We use these for fun, learning (reading), and as a calming tool for time outs. If you don't know what a find it is it is a toy that is filled with colored plastic and all sorts of little dodads that you try to find in colored plastic. These can have different themes with all the toys related or like this one we made just have things you find around the house.
What is needed:
1 one liter or 20 oz bottle. Two liter is to big and makes it nearly impossible to find things and are also heavy for little ones. I like the one liter best because it is close to the size of the store bought toy
20 different things for the child to find. Remember they have to be small enough to fit through the mouth of the bottle but big enough to not get lost in the rice
1 bag of rice
A piece of paper to write your list on
A clothes pin
Hot glue gun or super glue
1. Make your list with all the things you are putting in the find it.
2. Remove the label and clean the bottle
3. After it dries, pour in rice until the bottle is about half way full
4. Put in your "finds"
5. Pour more rice in the bottle until it is about 3/4 of the way full
6. Put on the lid and shake the toys until they are mixed pretty evenly through out
7. Fill the bottle the rest of the way with the rice, pretty much to the top (it will settle as it is played with)
8. Use the hot glue gun and put glue on the threads of the bottle and put the lid on. This way your little one can't open it and pour rice all over your house, car, or where ever.
9. Finally hot glue the clothes pin to the outside of the bottle. This will hold the list so it doesn't get lost.
And there you go. Your very own find it.
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